Meet The Team
The team you see below is the reason we are so passionate about rescue.

Alpha Male & Sous Chef
Frankie Blue Eyes
I am 9 years old. I was born deaf and visually impaired. This doesn't stop me from living my best life. I am a rescue from Australian Shepherds Furever and I am the reason mum started fostering other dogs. Nothing gets passed me and everyone knows I am the favorite.

The Panic Button and Taste Tester
I am about 8 years old. I am mum's first foster-fail. She tried to adopt me out when I was a foster, so I ran away and decided to make her chase me for 8 long weeks. She found me, brought me home and gave me her last name. I am also a rescue from Australian Shepherds Furever. I basically got my way and I know she loves me the most.

The Hugger and Sous chef
I am about 5 years old. Mum was fostering me with Australian Shepherds Furever when Abel decided to teach her a lesson and run from his potential adopter. I went with her to look for him almost every single time and despite being deaf and visually impaired, I was able to help track him. Since I enjoyed playing with Abel so much and mum thinks my hugs are adorkable, I too was adopted with Abel as a package deal. Secretly we all know mum loves me most.

Self-Appointed Security and Quality Control
I am about 5 years old and was rescued by my dad, who has spent years working on this Napoleon Complex of mine. I am the smallest one with the biggest mouth, and no one seems to appreciate the secure environment that i promote here. I am the pickiest of eaters so the title of quality control is MINE. If I don't like it, we don't sell it. Sometimes when it's really quiet in the house and everyone is asleep I swear mum says I am her favorite.